The copyright in the designs or other information contained in this medium is vested in stephenson hamilton risley STUDIO. A licence is hereby granted to the user to use the said designs only for the purposes connected with its contractual obligations on the project to which those designs relate. No other use is permitted. Breach of the terms of the licence will terminate the licence forthwith whereupon this medium and any copies thereof must be returned to us. stephenson hamilton risley STUDIO accepts no responsibility for errors caused by its own hardware or software or that of third parties in the production of this medium or the designs or other information contained in it. Further, the transmission or transfer of all designs or other information contained in this medium to the users own software or hardware by whatever means is carried out entirely at the users risk and stephenson hamilton risley STUDIO will have no liability for any errors or inaccuracies arising therefrom. The production of amended augmented or updated information from the said designs or other information by the user is entirely the responsibility of the user and stephenson hamilton risley STUDIO shall have no responsibility in respect thereof whatsoever.